Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Al Qaeda Leader calls for attacks inside US,since our Homegrown Maniacs are...stealing their THUNDER?


Columbine taught me these murderous "lost souls" can operate in numbers greater than 1...

Virginia Tech Taught Me the A-HOLE Media is creating these Maniacs...

Colorado Theater Shooting taught me (SEE ABOVE reg. A-HOLE MEDIA) and I need to CCW Heavier

Sandy Hook taught me OUR Nation has abandoned care for the mentally ill to drugs and shrinks and it IS NOT WORKING.
Kitty Genovese, stabbed to death in 1964. Her screams, then cries for help were ignored by numerous "neighbors"
We are a Society that was TRAINED for decades by Lawyers&Media to "not get involved" and "avoid the hassle" and now we are suffering massacres wrought by CLEARLY, OBVIOUSLY damaged people who seem to have been screaming for help.....and the help was a condescending pat on the head, a (sometimes)mandated  visit to a shrink & drugs to MASK or curb behavior which many think are a way to treat mental illness.
It is NOT Treatment! It is a convenient shortcut that allows us to stupor, or numb the person and NOT treat the illness the same ways drugs have become an answer to ROTTEN PARENTING.
Until we put our BIG BOY Pants on and actually face evil head on, get used to seeing Demented Lunatics like this

ANYONE else noticing these people act out AFTER seeing a Shrink & being "treated" by drugs?

We are in TROUBLE and to add to this fantastic environment we apparently have to look forward to more D.C. SNIPER style & BOSTON BOMBING ATTACKS.

John Mohammed registered the "Sniper Car" on 9-11-2002 but that is JUST A COINCIDENCE! He was NOT Al Qaeda!!
The DC Snipers, TWO guys tied up ENTIRE STATES and numerous Local State & Federal Agencies for over 21 days at TREMENDOUS EXPENSE and the US Gov. OFFICIAL Response is they were just "wannabe" admirers of Al Qaeda.

IS THERE any connection between the DC Snipers and Al Qaeda?

The US Gov. appears to have never even seriously INVESTIGATED that.

Al Awlaki & Al Qaeda have been established as a factor in Hassan's Rampage, But the DC Snipers & the Boston Bombings? DON'T BE AN IDIOT!
Then Major Nidal "Allahu Akhbar" Hassan murders 13 at Ft. Hood and only then do any ties to Al Qaeda surface.

Anyone else stunned NO ONE in the media revisited the DC Sniper case?

Well not only the Nation, but apparently terrorists worldwide watched & REMEMBER this "incident" and are now ACTING on it.

The Boston Bombing stunned the Nation and locked down over ONE MILLION AMERICANS as Police scoured the city for ONE JIHADI.

And now they appear to be calling for more Sniper and Bomber attacks.
Does VIOLATING your Constitutional Oath to Protect our Inalienable Rights count as an INSULT to US, Barry?

Please remember the words of our Dear Leader at the UN "The future must not belong to those who insult the Prophet of Islam"
Thanks for showing us our 1rst Amendment & Inalienable Rights don't mean JACK to you, Barry.
Keep your eyes and ears open and your hearts unafraid,
Because we are going to be having TWO kinds of Maniacs stalking us now.

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