Monday, May 27, 2013


Radical Islam and the White House are behaving in very similar fashion these days in that both are now acting as if they are above any and all reproach, criticism or blame for wrongdoing on any level, real or imagined.

The Islamists, when questioned or blamed for ANYTHING immediately translate that to criticism of ALLAH or the Prophet Mohammed and unleash a torrent of hatred and threats up to and including murder.

           (Uh oh! Somebody somewhere said something someone thinks may be critical of Islam!!)

The White House, when questioned, criticized or blamed for ANYTHING immediately translate that to criticism of THE STATE and the intent being political only and unleash the Mainstream Media and the IRS.

 (The IRS Campaign against the Tea Parties started the day after Colleen Kelley, head of the IRS's National Treasury Employees Union met with Obama at the White House. An INCREDIBLE coincidence? You tell me.)

No criticism or blame for ANYTHING leveled at either group is EVER considered legitimate.
Radical Islamists can commits acts of barbaric savagery and inhumanity while rejecting any criticism of them as intolerance and hatred of their God, which gives them an opportunity to unleash even more barbarism and hatred.

The White House can illegally ship guns to Mexico causing hundreds of actuals deaths and leave Americans to die AT the hands of Radical Islamists or use the IRS to choke the growth of political opponents and reject ANY blame for wrongdoing or incompetence as merely political opposition whose creating scandals "out of whole cloth" is illegitimate.

The track record of radical Islam is readily apparent with literally thousands of examples that the mindset of muslims is that NO blame for their actions or behavior, since it can be directly tied to Islam will be permitted.
The track record of Barrack Obama's White House, being exposed more and more with every overreaching scandal is revealing a chilling parallel.

It's nothing unusual for a White House Administration to try and duck blame for a fiasco or deny ownership of a bad decision, especially when a fair number of the accusations may be leveled at them by the opposition party but this White House literally accepts NO BLAME for ANYTHING on any level at any time.

When mistakes or actual breaches of the public trust have been made too great to be ignored lower level apparatchiks are inevitably put forward to fall on their swords to protect the higher ups who were clearly calling the shots.

What blame, since Obama took residence, has the White House taken for any action or decision?

Are you sensing a pattern? I certainly am.

                                           (To question ME is to question YOUR future!!)

The author of the Science Fiction Epic Dune, Frank Herbert once said of Religion that the clergy attempting to administrate to a Divinity had one cardinal rule which was "Thou shalt not Question!!"

To question, criticize or blame Muslims or Democrats for ANYTHING they have done unleashes a torrent of backlashing hatred and venom and it is clear you are attacking them PERSONALLY by attacking their beliefs

With Radical Islam, this clearly falls into that pattern.

How about the White House?

To a Stateist the STATE IS GOD. To criticize it is to attack their ALLAH, their worldview and them personally.

A White House run by Radical Leftists whose Stateist philosophy IS the equivalence of a religion, they adopt very similar patterns of behavior to Islamists in their response to any and ALL criticism of THE STATE.

When the mid-term elections of 2010 handed them a serious and significant defeat their reaction seems to have been to call for and arrange an IRS campaign to deny the Tea Parties tax exempt status and thereby chill and seriously impede their ability to grow and influence the 2012 elections.

Follow this with the recent MEDIA scandals with the AP and Fox News and the trend becomes even more solidified.

Need I even go into the BIZARRE 17 days after Benghazi when hubris met the American people as the White House made the OFFICIAL RESPONSE of the United States an apology for a YouTube Video? The abject, pathological and political NEED for the attack to be ANYTHING but a terrorist attack by an Al Qaeda sponsored Ansar Al Sharia left us sitting in STUNNED DISBELIEF as they and their willing lapdog media tried to jackboot that false narrative down our throats for over two weeks.

But Benghazi happened SOOO long ago what difference at this point, does it make?

The Dems and their supporters profess none of these scandals are legitimate scandals and that America needs to move on.

No blame will ever accepted by the White House on any level EVER.
They can't accept blame! THEY CAN'T DO IT!

This would mean THE STATE, their GOD, their machine is not perfect. THE STATE cannot fail them (only weak and flawed scapegoats sacrificed on the altar of political necessity) therefore no official blame on any level can ever be accepted.

                                   (You can't criticize PERFECTION stupid, so don't even try!)

Haven't you noticed Obama never accepts blame for anything? He is not the "strong father" persevering through hardship and inevitable mistakes for our sakes taking responsibility when things go south, he literally accepts NO blame as legitimate.

He is much more in step with Uncle Joe Stalin than he is with Abraham Lincoln, a man who weathered numerous party scandals and criticism in his day yet remains one of our greatest Presidents.

One needs look no further than social media as each scandal has cracked off or intensified through new revelations and facts coming to light to see people asking rational, reasoned questions responded to with unreasoning hatred and threats of violence from the left.

When radio talk show host Dana Loesch, a conservative and ardent supporter of the 2nd Amendment appears on Piers Morgan's show to defend our right to bear arms she does this knowing he compared her to Nancy Lanza and claimed her kids may grow up to commit their own "Sandy Hook".

(Sure, you can disagree with Dana Loesch but keep it POLITE or you just might end up in a corner in the fetal position wondering what logic bomb just hit you.)

After defending our God given right to self defense on both Pier's show and her talk show she routinely receives a barrage of hate mail and death threats from leftists enraged by her traditional positions.

She also, by the way responds to these missives of misogyny by reading them aloud on her show with very entertaining and hilarious voices during her "Mailbag of Hate" segment that usually ends the broadcast.
Go Dana! (Check out her shows podcasts or livestream 12-3 M-F CST at this link:

The "Mohammedans" as Churchill referred to them have been seen by many western leaders as a growing threat for over two centuries as their intolerance and barbarity occasionally required direct confrontation (Churchill warned of Radical Islam in the 1880's as a participant in the British Campaign against the Mahdi) as their access to technology and industry propels them into world affairs.

The inclusion of nations that see ANY and ALL concern or blame for their actions and behavior as a direct affront to their GOD is problematic and our world is now struggling to resolve this.

The resolution of modern Marxism via the Progressive Left now residing in our White House is also now a struggle as it is becoming readily apparent it considers no moral or ethical boundary legitimate in it's pursuit of political power as it at the same time treats ALL reproach and exposure as unfounded and illegitimate.

(Sure you could "insult" Joe Stalin by criticizing him and his mistakes, but you might want to get your affairs in order first. Gulags have lousy mail service!)

At the end of the day we must ask ourselves, how do we respond?

What is the best way to react when truth logic and reason are assailed by people hell bent (pun intended) on agendas both cultural, religious and political that undermine, corrupt and devalue the very principles, standard and values by which you live?

By living them even more.

Seek the truth, know the truth and speak the truth.

Hold onto it as dearly as your own soul.

Defend truth as you defend yourself BUT take responsibility and accept ownership of mistakes and wrongdoing and LEARN from it! Their side CAN'T and never will.

You can weather this storm of hatred and venom because the positions of both Radical Islam and the White House are based on arrogance, mistruths and force.

Weather the blows without giving in to hatred or despair and when time has passed you will find the unnatural, unreasoning positions of your enemy has brought their own downfall BY THEIR OWN ACTIONS.

They will destroy themselves in time.

Never give in.

Never give up.

And when they are knocked down and despairing, lost in ignorance and fear, offer them a hand and the truth that is the birthright of us all.

Jihad Aeon follow me on twitter  @jihadaeon 

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